
Implement security policies that establish rules for how mobile devices are used and secured within your organization.

A security policy is a collection of security settings used to monitor the security status of each managed device.
You can assign multiple security policies to the same device. The policy with the highest priority will be evaluated to assign a risk level to the device.
The following table outlines the actions available on the Mobile Policy screen (Mobile SecurityMobile Security Policies).
Switch between policies for Android and iOS/iPadOS
Click Android or iOS/iPadOS to manage policies for Android and iOS/iPadOS.
Create a policy
Click Create and configure policy details.
For more information, see Configuring mobile security policies.
Edit a policy
Click a policy name to modify policy details such as the policy name, protection strength, and policy targets.
For more information, see Configuring Mobile Policies.
You cannot edit the name and targets of default policies.
Replicate a policy
Select a policy and click Replicate.
All settings of the selected policy (excluding targets) are reused in the new policy.
Change the policy priority
Hover over a policy. When the icon (drag_and_drop=GUID-3830EF5B-95A7-4EFF-9DB2-2D048327DED2=1=en-us=Low.png) appears on the left of the policy entry, drag and drop the policy to your preferred location.
  • Changing policy priority modifies which policy applies when more than one policy targets the same users or devices.
  • The default policy has the lowest priority, and its priority cannot be changed.
Delete policies
Click the delete icon (delete_policy=cce60f96-0e5c-4565-895f-d648c42e8495.jpg) corresponding to a policy, or select one or more policies and click Delete.
  • Deleting policies modifies the priority automatically.
  • If deleting a policy causes a user or group to no longer be a target of any policy, the default policy becomes the active policy for the affected user or groups.
Filter devices with normal Mobile Agents
In the Active column, click the number to see a list of devices with normal Mobile Agents in the right panel. To view these devices in Mobile Inventory, click View in Mobile Inventory in the panel.
Filter devices with outdated Mobile Agents
In the Pending column, click the number to see a list of devices with outdated Mobile Agents in the right panel. To view these devices in Mobile Inventory, click View in Mobile Inventory in the panel.
Filter devices with inactive Mobile Agents
In the Action required column, click the number to see a list of devices with inactive Mobile Agents in the right panel. To view these devices in Mobile Inventory, click View in Mobile Inventory in the panel.
Refresh policy data
Click the refresh icon (Refresh_icon=20220823083939.png) in the upper-right corner to display the latest policy data.