
Before deploying Container Security, ensure that your Kubernetes clusters meet the minimum system requirements and specific Helm and network policy requirements.

  • Container Security supports each Kubernetes version until its official end-of-life (EOL).
  • Container Security supports each Helm version for up to 6 months. The latest three versions are always supported.

System requirements

Features Enabled
Min. vCPU Request
Max vCPU Limit
Min. Memory Request
Max Memory Limit
Default features
0.6 vCPU
3.4 vCPU
572 MB
4 GB
Runtime security enabled
06 vCPU + 0.2 vCPU per node
3.4 vCPU + 2 vCPU per node
572 MB + 768 MB per node
4GB + 2GB per node
Runtime scanning enabled
0.7 vCPU
4.4 vCPU
592 MB
Both features enabled
0.7 vCPU + 0.2 vCPU per node
4.4vCPU + 2 vCPU per node
592 MB + 768 MB per node
5 GB + 2 GB per node

Help and network policy requirements

Helm 3 (or later)
Container Security components use the helm package manager for Kubernetes.
Network policy support
Container Security continuous compliance enforces policies by leveraging Kubernetes network policies to perform isolation mitigation. Network policies are implemented by a network plugin.
Before connecting an Amazon EKS Fargate pod, ensure that the container meets the additional system requirements for EKS Fargate deployments.
If you are running Container Security in a Red Hat OpenShift environment, network isolation mitigation is only supported for pods whose security context is acceptable by the oversight controller's SecurityContextConstraint. If you want to let Container Security isolate pods that are not allowed by default, you can use the overrides.yaml file to override the default settings.
The network policy with matchLabels trendmicro-cloud-one: isolate must exist in each application namespaces in order to perform proper isolation mitigation.