Private GKE clusters require an additional VPC network firewall rule for the admission-webhook to work. Follow the instructions in Google Cloud Documentation (Adding firewall rules for specific use cases) to add a firewall rule allowing traffic from your master’s source IP range to the trendmicro-admission-controller pod.
When creating the rule, you need to specify the port that allows traffic. The trendmicro-admission-controller pod has port 8443 enabled.
The following is an example of the gcloud command for adding the firewall rule:
gcloud compute firewall-rules create "allow-apiserver-to-admission-webhook-8443" \
    --action ALLOW \
    --direction INGRESS \
    --source-ranges ${CONTROL_PLANE_RANGE} \
    --rules tcp:8443 \
    --description="Allow apiserver access to admission webhook pod on port 8443" \
    --target-tags ${TARGET}