Trend Vision One - File Security SDK lets you to scan files using free software development kits (SDKs) or a command line interface (CLI). The SDK and CLI scanner stack scans all incoming files for known malware. File Security SDK can send notifications and quarantine malware.
The following architecture diagram illustrates the main File Security SDK information flow.
The following SDKs are available in GitHub:
The command-line interface (CLI) is also available in GitHub.
When deciding which method is best for your organization, consider the following table.

SDK versus CLI

Feature SDK CLI
Scan any file type
Detect malware anywhere
Analyze any size file
Display real-time scan results
Examine on-premises applications, containers, clusters, and storage
Inspect cloud-based applications, containers, clusters, and storage
Program with one of four languages
Run without a program

Ensuring secure communication with TLS

The communication channel between the client program or SDK and the Trend Vision One™ File Security service is fortified with robust server-side TLS encryption. This ensures that all data transmitted between the client and the Trend service remains thoroughly encrypted and safeguarded. The certificate employed by server-side TLS is a publicly-signed certificate from Trend Micro Inc, issued by a trusted Certificate Authority (CA), further bolstering security measures.
The File Security SDK consistently adopts TLS as the default communication channel, prioritizing security at all times. Trend Micro strongly advises you not to disable TLS in a production environment while utilizing the File Security SDK, as doing so could compromise the integrity and confidentiality of transmitted data.