You can configure Application Control to specifically target certain directory locations based on absolute path, storage type, and Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE).
Select whether to match by a specific path or a storage type, and specify the match string type (String or Regular Expression (PCRE)). Type the file paths that apply to the criteria.
  • Application Control supports the use of the asterisk (*) wildcard when specifying a String type match. The asterisk character can represent one or more characters in a subdirectory of the specified string location.
  • Application Control does not support the use of environment variables when specifying file paths for String or Regular Expression (PCRE) type matches.
  • You cannot use wildcard characters to indicate the entire contents of the selected storage location.
  • You can specify up to 100 file paths.

Supported Storage Locations

Storage Location
Environment Variable
Specific path
Not applicable
Only applies to applications in the exact path specified
Application Control does not check device type when using this location type.
Any built-in storage
Only applies to applications in the path specified and stored on an internal storage device (internal hard disk drive)
Any local storage
Only applies to applications in the path specified and stored on a non-removable local storage device (internal or external hard disk drive)
Any removable storage
Only applies to applications in the path specified and stored on a removable storage device (USB drive, CD/DVD)
Network path
Only applies to applications in the path specified and stored on a shared network resource
Program Files folder
Only applies to applications in the path specified and stored in the Program Files folders (default folders C:\Program Files and C:\Program Files (x86))
System volume
Only applies to applications in the path specified and stored in the default Windows system drive