The Behavior Monitoring Approved List supports the use of wildcard characters when defining file path, file name, and file extension exception types. Use the following tables to properly format your exception lists to ensure that Apex One excludes the correct files and folders from scanning.
Supported wildcard characters:
  • Asterisk (*): Represents any character or string of characters
  • Question mark (?): Represents a single character
  • The Behavior Monitoring Approved List does not support the use of wildcard characters to replace system drive designations or UNC addresses.
  • The Behavior Monitoring Block List does not support the use of wildcard characters to replace folders.
Exception Type
Wildcard Usage
Not Matched
Excludes all files and folders on the specified drive
  • C:\sample.exe
  • C:\folder\test.doc
  • D:\sample.exe
  • E:\folder\test.doc
Specific files under a specific folder layer
Excludes the Sample.exe file only if the file is located in any subfolder of the C:\ directory
  • C:\files\Sample.exe
  • C:\temp\files\Sample.exe
  • C:\sample.exe
UNC paths
\\<UNC path>\*\Sample.exe
Excludes the Sample.exe file only if the file is located in any subfolder of the specified UNC path
  • \\<UNC path>\files\Sample.exe
  • \\<UNC path>\temp\files\Sample.exe
  • R:\files\Sample.exe
    Reason: Mapped drives are not supported.
  • \\<UNC path>\Sample.exe
    Reason: The file does not exist within a subfolder of the UNC path.
File names and extensions
Excludes all files with extensions in all folders and subfolders of the C:\ directory
  • C:\Sample.exe
  • C:\temp\Sample.exe
  • C:\test.doc
  • D:\sample.exe
  • C:\Sample
    C:\Sample does not have a file extension and is therefore not excluded from scanning.
File names
Excludes all files with the .exe extension in all folders and subfolders of the C:\ directory
  • C:\Sample.exe
  • C:\temp\test.exe
  • C:\Sample.doc
  • C:\temp\test.bat
  • C:\Sample
    C:\Sample does not have a file extension and is therefore not excluded from scanning.
File extensions
Excludes all files with the name Sample and any extension in the C:\ directory
  • C:\Sample.exe
  • C:\Sample1.doc
  • C:\temp\Sample.bat
  • C:\Sample
    C:\Sample does not have a file extension and is therefore not excluded from scanning.
Files in specific directory structures
Excludes all files located within the second subfolder layer or any subsequent subfolders of the C:\ directory with the file name and extension Sample.exe
  • C:\files\temp\Sample.exe
  • C:\files\temp\test\Sample.exe
  • C:\Sample.exe
  • C:\temp\Sample.exe
  • C:\files\temp\Sample.doc
Complex paths or file names
Excludes all files with names that satisfy the following conditions:
  • Begin with the characters "Sam"
  • The third last character of the file name must be "e"
  • At least 1 character exists between the opening "Sam" string and closing "e??" string of the file name
  • Exactly 2 characters exist before the file extension and after the "e" in the file name
  • The file extension is .exe
If a file meets all the required conditions and is located the C:\ directory, Behavior Monitoring excludes the file from scans.
  • C:\Sample12.exe
  • C:\SamSamSample12.exe
  • C:\SaSmple12.exe
    Reason: Does not start with "Sam"
  • C:\SamSamSam12.exe
    Reason: Does not contain "e" as the third last character
  • C:\Same12.exe
    Reason: Does not include characters between the starting "Sam" string and third last "e" character
  • C:\Sample1.exe
    Reason: Does not include 2 characters before the extension and after the "e"
  • C:\Sample12.doc
    Reason: Incorrect extension