The Compliance evolution graph shows the change in compliance levels within All accounts, Individual accounts, or Groups over the last 30 days. The graph sets out the scores against the six pillars of the AWS Well-Architected Framework
  1. Security
  2. Cost Optimization
  3. Operational Excellence
  4. Reliability
  5. Performance Efficiency
  6. Sustainability

Calculation of Daily Compliance Evolution Score for all Categories

Individual Cloud Posture Account Evolution Score

Cloud Posture Scan can run multiple times per day, thus an average is calculated for all the Cloud Posture Scan runs. For each account, the individual scores of each category is obtained by the following formula for every bot run.
(Total number of successful Checks for the category / Total number of Checks for the category) * 100 = category score
For example:
Account 1: had two bot runs for the day as below:
Bot Run No.
Success Check count
Total check count
First Bot Run
Second Bot Run
Average score for this category of Account 1 for a day = (50 + 30) / (100 + 100) = 40%

Group Accounts Evolution Score

For group accounts, the average score of each category is calculated by averaging all the category scores of all accounts for the day:
For Example:
Account 1: had two bot runs for the day as per the example above (50 + 30) / (100 + 100) = 40%
Account 2: had three bot runs for the day as below:
Bot Run No.
Success Check count
Total check count
First Bot Run
Second Bot Run
Third Bot Run
Average score for this category for Account 2 for a day = (50 + 30 + 20) / (125 + 100 + 75) = 33%
Group account evolution score (Comprising of Account 1 and Account 2) = (50 + 30 + 50 + 30 + 20) / (100 + 100 + 125 + 100 +75) = 36%