
Manage connections with your Google Cloud projects to allow Trend Vision One visibility into your cloud environment.

Google Cloud is used in this document to refer to services formerly known as Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
The Google Cloud screen allows you to view connected Google Cloud projects and manage connections within the Cloud Accounts app. You can access the Google Cloud screen on the Trend Vision One console by navigating to Service ManagementCloud Accounts and clicking on the Google Cloud tab.
You can perform the following actions from the Google Cloud screen.
Add a Google Cloud project
Add and connect a Google Cloud project to Cloud Accounts
Click Add Project to connect a Google Cloud project.
Remove projects
Remove and disconnect Google Cloud projects from Cloud Accounts
Select one or more projects and click Remove.
Removing a project from Cloud Accounts does not delete the Trend Vision One resource from your Google Cloud project. Access the project in Google Cloud Shell, then copy and run the Delete resource command within the resource directory to delete the resource from your project.
Manage project settings
Manage project settings
Click on a project name to view and edit the settings or update the terraform resource. For more information, see Project settings.
Updates to the resource template are not applied automatically when released. You must perform a terraform update to apply the latest security settings and resource template.
Fix project status issues
Use the available actions to address different project statuses
Clicking the action opens the project settings screen.
  • Update resource creation script: The project settings in Trend Vision One are not in sync with the deployed resource. This may occur if there was a recent update, or if the resource script was not run on your project. Perform a resource update to fix the issue.
  • Reconnect: An issue is preventing Trend Vision One from connecting or deploying to your project. Verify the project information is correct and perform a resource update to reconnect your project.