Server & Workload Protection supports the use of AWS Config Rules to query the status of your AWS instances. This can be especially useful if you want to have a centralized view into whether your instances meet certain compliance requirements.
There are four Lambda functions available from the Deep Security AWS Config Rules Repository on GitHub:
  • ds-IsInstanceProtectedByAntiMalware checks whether the current instance is protected by the Server & Workload Protection Anti-Malware module.
  • ds-IsInstanceProtectedBy checks whether the current instance is protected by any of the Server & Workload Protection protection modules. This is a generic version of ds-IsInstanceProtectedByAntiMalware.
  • ds-DoesInstanceHavePolicy checks whether the current instance is protected by a specific Server & Workload Protection policy.
  • ds-IsInstanceClear checks whether the current instance has any warnings, alerts, or errors in Server & Workload Protection.
For more information about using AWS Config Rules with Server & Workload Protection, including a helpful video that walks you through the process of setting up a rule, see Deploying AWS Config Rules for Deep Security. For more information about AWS Config, see the AWS Config section of the Amazon AWS website.