
Learn about the information available in Attack Overview within Executive Dashboard, including summaries of threats under the XDR Detection and Threat Detection risk factors.

Attack Overview displays your organization's risk level within the attack risk category, which is based on the maximum attack intensity of all detected cyber threats over the last 24 hours. Daily attack scores for your organization over the last 30 days are shown on the attack score graph. Attack scores are calculated based on the number of known threat detections, the number of impacted assets, and the severity of each unique threat type found in your environment. A high attack level indicates that you may need to review and reinforce your security configuration.
The attack risk level is calculated using all data received from your business without applying asset visibility scope limits.
View your top cyber threats under your attack risk level along with contributing risk factors, including:
  • XDR detection: Includes risk events related to Workbench alerts associated with your managed assets
  • Threat detection: Includes risk events related to threat detections on your managed assets
The following table details the widgets available in Attack Overview.
Attack Phase Overview
A representation of the overall intensity of attacks in each attack phase that have been detected in your organization over a specified period of time
Attack intensity compares the total threat count with the number of impacted assets and multiplies the result by the possible impact.
Cyber threats
The highest-intensity cyber threats that have been detected in your organization
A high attack intensity only indicates the strength of the attacks and does not necessarily indicate that any damage has occurred.
  • To view details on the top threats affecting your industry, enable View top 3 industry threats.
    • To view your industry's top three threats, you must configure your industry and company size in your Business Profile. Viewing industry threats automatically sets the attack phase overview to display information for all assets over the last 30 days.
    • Trend Vision One uses industry threat data to make accurate organizational comparisons to global averages.
For customers that have updated to the Foundation Services release, drilling down from the Impact scope column is only available for users with the Accounts asset visibility scope.