To become familiar with the API, send some simple requests to Server & Workload Protection.

Set up your development environment

The environment where you develop your software requires the following items:
  • Network access to Server & Workload Protection.
  • An SDK client library, if you choose to use one. Go to the Python SDK page to download the client library and learn how to add it to your development environment.
  • The runtime environment for the programming language of your client library.
To start exploring the API right away, instead of using a client library you can use an HTTP client such as Postman, Paw, or curl.

Authenticate with Server & Workload Protection

Server & Workload Protection uses API keys for authenticating HTTP requests.
The way you authenticate HTTP requests depends on whether you're using a new Trend Micro Cloud One account or an older legacy account. For information on the two types of accounts, see Changes to Trend Micro Cloud One accounts.

Create an API key

Create an API key to use for authenticating your requests with Server & Workload Protection:
Upon creation of an API key, you are provided a unique secret key that is associated with the API key. You include this secret key in the HTTP request for authenticating. You must store the secret key when it is provided because at no other time are you able to obtain it.

Authenticate requests

Each HTTP request that you make requires an authorization in the header. How you perform that authorization depends on whether you're using a legacy API key or a Trend Micro Cloud One API key.

Authenticate with a Trend Micro Cloud One API key

If you're using a Trend Micro Cloud One API key, each request that you make requires an authorization header that contains a secret key, as show in the following example request:
GET /api/policies HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:4119
Authorization: ApiKey 1tBOlis4aGpMyygC26YKZMgU2fW:7864DcPqkWFHNngXHnn9VgWSuGtUoj52n3tTZSqkvucLDJ9jJJvbrBZMBJBigsS5wT
api-version: v1

Authenticate with a legacy API key

If you're using a legacy API key, each request must contain an api-secret-key header that contains a secret key, as shown in the following example request:
GET /api/policies HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:4119
api-secret-key: 2:vJC6lckDygB6FYURIvR0WK2ZTAhIY8rb0Amy9UMn4mo=
api-version: v1
When using a client library, you obtain an instance of ApiClient and configure it to use your secret key. The configuration is global, so that all calls to the API thereafter are authenticated using the secret key. The GET and POST examples below show how to create and configure ApiClient.
The manager uses the secret to authenticate your request. Each API key is associated with a role that determines the actions that you can perform.

Perform a GET request: list policies

To start exploring the API, go to the List Policies operation in the Policies section of the API reference. Notice that List Policies is a GET request on the policies endpoint:

Use an HTTP client

To send the request right away use Postman, Paw, or curl. Use the following information to create the request:
  • URL: https://<Manager host name>:<port>/api/policies, for example https://localhost:4119/api/policies
  • First header:
    • Key: api-secret-key (for legacy accounts) or Authorization (for new accounts)
    • Value: <your key secret> (for legacy accounts) or ApiKey <your key value> (for new accounts)
  • Second header:
    • Key: api-version
    • Value: v1
Example curl command for legacy account:
curl -X GET https://&nbsp;localhost:4119/api/policies -H 'api-secret-key: 5:W+lC8YHIaYHeQuDbJZLkqwM5b8xjxla2pHtBNoiifF8=' -H 'api-version: v1'

Use a client library

The following example creates an ApiClient object that configures authentication with Server & Workload Protection. A PoliciesApi object is then created and used to list all policies.
Create a file named and copy the following example code to the file:
import deepsecurity as api
from import ApiException as api_exception

def get_policies_list(api, configuration, api_version, api_exception):
    """ Gets a list of policies on Server & Workload Protection

    :return: A PoliciesApi object that contains a list of policies.
    # Create a PoliciesApi object
    policies_api = api.PoliciesApi(api.ApiClient(configuration))

    # List policies using version v1 of the API
    policies_list = policies_api.list_policies(api_version)
    # View the list of policies
    return policies_list

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Add Server & Workload Protection host information to the api client configuration
    configuration = api.Configuration() = 'https://&nbsp;'

    # Authentication
    configuration.api_key['api-secret-key'] = '2:l069trAePqPRxZUfBqyw442z1DWm9s4u0F/g9bewnFE='

    # Version
    api_version = 'v1'

    print(get_policies_list(api, configuration, api_version, api_exception))
Locate the following code and change the URL and secret key according to your environment: = ''
configuration.api_key['api-secret-key'] = '2:l069trAePqPRxZUfBqyw442z1DWm9s4u0F/g9bewnFE='
Open a Command Prompt (Windows) or terminal (Linux) and enter the following command:

Perform a POST request: search firewall rules

Perform a POST request to search for firewall rules. In the API reference, the Search Firewall Rules operation (Firewall Rules section) for the firewallrules endoint is a POST request to the path firewallrules/search.
The API reference also shows a series of parameters that you use in the request body. For Search Firewall Rules, each parameter is a search criterium. In this example we search for the ID of 3.

Use an HTTP client to post

Use the following information to create the request in Postman or Paw:
  • Request type: POST
  • URL: https://<Server & Workload Protection hostname><port>/api/firewallrules/search, for example https://localhost:4119/api/firewallrules/search
  • First header:
    • Key: api-secret-key (for legacy accounts) or Authorization (for new accounts)
    • Value: your key secret
  • Second header:
    • Key: api-version
    • Value: v1
  • Third header:
    • Key: Content-Type
    • Value: application/json
Also, add the following raw code to the body:
  "searchCriteria": [{
Example curl command:
curl -X POST https://&nbsp;localhost:4119/api/firewallrules/search \
-H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \
-H 'api-secret-key: 3:zNi5ag8xPGpfEMElV0GxAIpTs5Ji8BQoCtXaTAgKkVM=' \
-H 'api-version: v1' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
  "searchCriteria": [{

Use a client library to post

The following example creates a SearchFilter object that defines search criteria. The SearchFilter object is then used as a parameter of the searchFirewallRules method of a ModuleFirewallApi object.
Create a file named and copy the following example code to the file:
import deepsecurity as api
from import ApiException as api_exception

def search_firewall_rules(api, configuration, api_version, api_exception):
    """ Searches the firewall rules for any rule that contains DHCP in the rule name.

    :param api: The Server & Workload Protection API modules.
    :param configuration: Configuration object to pass to the api client.
    :param api_version: The version of the API to use.
    :param api_exception: The Server & Workload Protection API exception module.
    :return: A list containing all firewall rules that match the search criteria.


    # Define the search criteria
    search_criteria = api.SearchCriteria()
    search_criteria.field_name = "name"
    search_criteria.string_value = "%DHCP%"
    search_criteria.string_test = "equal"
    search_criteria.string_wildcards = True

    # Create search filter to find the rule
    search_filter = api.SearchFilter(None,[search_criteria])

    # Create a FirewallRulesApi object
    firewall_rules_api = api.FirewallRulesApi(api.ApiClient(configuration))

    # Perform the search
    firewall_rules = firewall_rules_api.search_firewall_rules(api_version, search_filter=search_filter)
    firewall_rules_list = []
    for rule in firewall_rules.firewall_rules:

    return firewall_rules

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Add Server & Workload Protection host information to the api client configuration
    configuration = api.Configuration() = ''

    # Authentication
    configuration.api_key['api-secret-key'] = '2:l069trAePqPRxZUfBqyw442z1DWm9s4u0F/g9bewnFE='

    # Version
    api_version = 'v1'
    print(search_firewall_rules(api, configuration, api_version, api_exception))
Locate the following code and change the URL and secret key according to your environment: = ''</code></li>
configuration.api_key['api-secret-key'] = '2:l069trAePqPRxZUfBqyw442z1DWm9s4u0F/g9bewnFE='
Open a Command Prompt (Windows) or terminal (Linux) and enter the following command:

Get the Server & Workload Protection version

Each response to a correctly-authenticated request includes the version of the Server & Workload Protection instance. The X-DSM-Version header includes the version, similar to the following example:
X-DSM-Version = Deep Security/12.0.81

Next Steps