
Understand how Active Directory data is used in associated apps after integration.

Associated App
Data Synchronization
Email Asset Inventory
Email Asset Inventory uses Active Directory data to manage Email Sensor on protected email accounts.
Phishing Simulation Assessment
Phishing Simulation Assessment uses Active Directory data to add recipients to phishing simulations and identify employees who require additional security awareness education.
Attack Surface Risk Management
Attack Surface Risk Management uses Active Directory data to gain deeper insight regarding the apps and devices your users access, and the behaviors that contribute to users' risk analysis.
Zero Trust Secure Access
Zero Trust Secure Access uses Active Directory data to authenticate users and perform Zero Trust actions for Private Access and Internet Access.
User Accounts
User Accounts uses Active Directory data to create user accounts using the distribution list email addresses and member names.
Security Event Forwarding
Attack Surface Risk Management
Attack Surface Risk Management uses Active Directory security event information to gain deeper insight regarding the security of the Active Directory server.
Zero Trust Secure Access
Zero Trust Secure Access uses Active Directory security event information to monitor user sign in activity.
User Access Control
Observed Attack Techniques
Perform policy enforcement actions in Active Directory, such as disabling user accounts and forcing password reset.
Attack Surface Risk Management
Zero Trust Secure Access