
Use the email activation link to activate Trend Vision One with Advanced Access.

Trend Micro provisions a Trend Vision One console with a complete suite of apps to customers with Trend Vision One credits. Certain features within your Advanced Access entitlement require the allocation of credits. The expiration date of the console aligns with the expiration date of your credits.
If your company has purchased or renewed licenses for XDR sensors or other Trend Vision One services that support credit-based licensing, such licenses will be automatically calculated into credits upon activation.
After receiving an activation email from Trend Micro, you need to activate your Advanced Access entitlement and provision the Trend Vision One console.


  1. Click the link in the activation email.
  2. Sign in with your Primary User Account (formerly Trend Micro Account), or click Register your business with Trend Micro and follow the on-screen instructions to create a new account and verify your email address.
    If the email address specified for the Primary User Account is already in use by an existing user account, you can click Assign as new Primary User Account and verify the account credentials to assign the account as the new Primary User Account for your business.
    After accepting the license agreement and signing in to your existing or newly created Primary User Account, Trend Micro provisions your Trend Vision One console with Advanced Access apps and features.