The Worry-Free Business Security Service ConnectWise Automate Plug-in provides the following scripts, accessible through the ScriptsComputer ScriptsAnti-VirusTrend Micro right-click menu.
You must assign specific ConnectWise Automate User Classes permission to access each script for before the right-click script items appear.
You can only access the right-click Scripts menu for ConnectWise Automate clients associated with a Trend Micro Account. To associate a ConnectWise Automate client with a Trend Micro Account, see Importing ConnectWise Automate clients
  • Deploy Security Agent: Deploys the Security Agent to the selected endpoints
  • Remove Security Agent: Uninstalls the Security Agent from the selected endpoints
    Does not support Security Agents that require a password.
    Removing the Security Agent may leave the endpoints vulnerable to security threats.
  • Restart Security Agent: Restarts the Security Agent on the selected endpoints
    Does not support Security Agents that require a password.
  • Start Normal Scan: Triggers the Security Agent on the selected endpoints to perform a Manual Scan
  • Start Aggressive Scan: Triggers the Security Agent on the selected endpoints to perform an Aggressive Scan
  • Stop Scan: Triggers the Security Agent on the selected endpoints to stop all current scans
  • Unload Security Agent: Unloads the Security Agent from the selected endpoints
    Does not support Security Agents that require a password.
  • Update Now: Triggers the Security Agent to check for component updates
  • Endpoints receive the command the next time Remote Manager synchronizes with Worry-Free Business Security Services. The default synchronization time is five minutes.
  • The commands only execute on valid endpoints. For example, if the selected endpoint does not have the Security Agent installed, the Start Normal Scan function cannot execute.