The Trend Micro Customers screen, in the Trend Micro Worry-Free Services Plug-in, allows you to view all your ConnectWise Automate clients with Trend Micro Accounts and disconnect a previously configured ConnectWise Automate client from a Trend Micro Account.
The following table outlines the major sections of the Trend Micro Customers screen.
Client summary
Provides an overview of all your Trend Micro Accounts managed through ConnectWise Automate
  • Clients: Click the count to view all Trend Micro Accounts in the table on the Clients tab
  • Action required: Click the count to view all Trend Micro Accounts that require attention in the table on the Clients tab
  • Managed machines: Displays the total number of endpoints with the Worry-Free Business Services Security Agent installed
  • Unmanaged machines: Displays the total number of endpoints associated with Trend Micro Accounts that do not have the Security Agent installed
Clients tab
Displays a table that outlines Trend Micro Account information for ConnectWise Automate clients and whether a client requires immediate attention
  • Automate Client: Click a client name to open the Worry-Free Business Security Services console for that client
  • Action Required: Click the red highlighted cells to display the Action Required Events widget on the Statistics tab
  • Disconnect Client from Trend Micro Account: If a ConnectWise Automate client is no longer a Trend Micro customer, select the check box next to the ConnectWise Automate Client name in the table and click Disconnect Client from Trend Micro Account to remove the client from the list.
    Disconnecting a ConnectWise Automate client from Trend Micro does not uninstall the Security Agent from the client's managed endpoints.
  • Automatic Deployment: Enable to automatically deploy Security Agents to unmanaged endpoints assigned to the ConnectWise Automate client. Automatic deployments occur once per hour.
    Ensure that the ConnectWise Automate client has sufficient licenses available before enabling automatic deployment. If there are no licenses available, the Trend Micro Worry-Free Services Plug-in still deploys Security Agents, but unlicensed Security Agents are unable to report back to the Worry-Free Business Security Services console and remain in the unmanaged endpoints list.
Ticket Settings tab
Allows you to configure which events send tickets to the ConnectWise Automate system
Statistics tab
Displays a dashboard with widgets that provide an overview of all the Trend Micro Accounts managed using ConnectWise Automate
Available widgets: