Remote Manager allows you to further investigate individual customer event logs for the following products:
  • Worry-Free Business Security (WFBS)
  • Worry-Free Business Security Services (WFBSS)


  1. Go to Home.
  2. Click an event detection count on any available widget to display the Event Logs screen.
  3. Click the Occurrences count for any Worry-Free Business Security or Worry-Free Business Security Services customer.
    The Log Query screen appears displaying detailed detection information for the related event category.
    Clicking the Occurrences count for any other product opens the managed product console where you can view product-specific logs for the affected customer.
  4. (Optional) View other event log data for the customer.
    1. From the Period drop-down, specify the date range for the detection data.
    2. From the Category drop-down, select from the available threat categories. If the Ransomware category is selected, select from the available infection channels.
    3. Depending on the Category selected, select the Infection channel to view.
    4. Click Display Logs.
  5. (Optional) Click Export All to save the data to a CSV file.