The Customers screen provides information on ConnectWise Automate clients, including the Automate client, the contact name, the Trend Micro customer account, the contact email address, the automatic deployment status, and the last sync time with Worry-Free Business Security Services.
The following table outlines the major sections of the Customers screen.
Trend Micro Customers tab
Displays a table that outlines Trend Micro Account information for ConnectWise Automate clients
  • If a ConnectWise Automate client is no longer a Trend Micro customer, select the check box next to the client name in the table and click Disconnect Customer from Trend Micro Account to remove the customer from the list.
    Disconnecting a ConnectWise Automate customer from Trend Micro does not uninstall the Security Agent from the customer's managed endpoints.
  • Enable Automatic Deployment to automatically deploy Security Agents to unprotected endpoints assigned to the ConnectWise Automate client once per hour.
    Ensure that the ConnectWise Automate customer has sufficient licenses available before enabling automatic deployment. If there are no licenses available, the Trend Micro Worry-Free Services Plug-in still deploys Security Agents, but unlicensed Security Agents are unable to report back to the Worry-Free Business Security Services console and remain in the unmanaged endpoints list.
Non-Trend Micro Customers tab
Displays a table that outlines account information for ConnectWise Automate clients not connected to Trend Micro Accounts