Trend Micro™
Remote Manager™ is a robust console that works in parallel with
Trend Micro Licensing Management Platform™ to provide managed
security services to small and medium businesses.
Trend Micro Remote
Manager enables you to
monitor the health of multiple managed networks through multiple, managed products
and services. Trend Micro Remote
Manager allows reseller administrators to issue
commands to manage critical aspects of network security.
Trend Micro Remote
Manager is hosted on
regional Trend Micro Data Center servers where resellers obtain an account. Resellers
can use Trend Micro Remote
Manager to establish customer accounts, monitor
customer networks, and manage security using the Trend Micro Remote
Manager web console.
Remote Manager offers a structured view of
customer networks and allows resellers to issue commands and manage the following
aspects of network
Component updates and updates to the managed server
Vulnerability assessment
Damage cleanup
Automatic outbreak response
Firewall and Real-time Scan settings
Manual scans
Trend Micro Remote
Manager also supports
comprehensive reporting features and allows resellers to subscribe individuals to
generated reports.