If you manage other Trend Micro Remote Manager accounts that have not migrated to the new Licensing Management Platform, you can merge those accounts with the current one.


  1. Sign into a Remote Manager account that has been migrated to Licensing Management Platform.
    The Dashboard screen opens.
  2. Click the arrow next to the sign in name and click Merge Another AccountYes.
    If you merge an account to the current one, all data from the other account will be moved. For example, if you are currently signed in as admin1 and you merge admin2 to the admin1 account, all the data from the admin2 account will be deleted from the admin2 account. This data has been merged with the admin1 account. You will still be able to open the admin2 account but all the data will be in the admin1 account.
  3. Enter the user name and password of the account you want to merge with the current one.
  4. Click Merge.
    Wait a couple of minutes for the data to be merged.

What to do next

After migrating the account, you will always see the following when adding a new customer:
  • With an active Licensing Management Platform account: If the new customer already has an account in Licensing Management Platform.
  • With existing product servers that need to be connected to this account: If the new customer has a product/service but the account has not been integrated into Licensing Management Platform.