  1. Go to Administration > Smart Protection > Integrated Server.
  2. Select Enable File Reputation Services.
  3. Select the protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) that agents will use when sending scan queries to the integrated server.
  4. Select Enable Web Reputation Services.
  5. Record the integrated server’s addresses found under the Server Address column.
  6. To update the integrated server’s components:
    • View the current versions of the Smart Scan Pattern and Web Blocking List. If an update is available, click Update Now. The update result displays on top of the screen.

    • To update the pattern automatically:

      1. Select Enable scheduled updates.

      2. Choose whether to update hourly or every 15 minutes.

      3. Select an update source under File Reputation Services. The Smart Scan Pattern will be updated from this source.

      4. Select an update source under Web Reputation Services. The Web Blocking List will be updated from this source.

    • If you choose the ActiveUpdate server as the update source, ensure that the server has Internet connection and, if you are using a proxy server, test if Internet connection can be established using the proxy settings. See Proxy for Apex One Server Updates for details.

    • If you choose a custom update source, set up the appropriate environment and update resources for this update source. Also ensure that there is a functional connection between the server computer and this update source. If you need assistance setting up an update source, contact your support provider.

  7. To configure the integrated server’s Approved/Blocked List:
    1. Click Import to populate the list with URLs from a pre-formatted .csv file. You can obtain the .csv file from a standalone Smart Protection Server.
    2. If you have an existing list, click Export to save the list to a .csv file.
  8. Click Save.