
During outbreaks, limit or deny access to shared folders on the network to prevent security risks from spreading through the shared folders.

When this policy takes effect, users can still share folders but the policy will not apply to the newly shared folders. Therefore, inform users not to share folders during an outbreak or deploy the policy again to apply the policy to the newly shared folders.

  1. Go to Agents > Outbreak Prevention.
  2. In the agent tree, click the root domain icon () to include all agents or select specific domains or agents.
  3. Click Start Outbreak Prevention.
  4. Click Limit/Deny access to shared folders.
  5. Select from the following options:
    • Allow read-only access: Limits access to shared folders

    • Deny access


      The read access only setting does not apply to shared folders already configured to deny full access.

  6. Click Save.

    The Outbreak Prevention Settings screen displays again.

  7. Click Start Outbreak Prevention.

    The outbreak prevention measures you selected display in a new window.