
Only attempts to access Storage Devices generate log data. Security Agents block or allow access to Non-storage Devices as configured but do not log the action.

  1. Go to Logs > Agents > Security Risks or Agents > Agent Management.
  2. In the agent tree, click the root domain icon () to include all agents or select specific domains or agents.
  3. Click Logs > Device Control Logs or View Logs > Device Control Logs.
  4. Specify the log criteria and then click Display Logs.
  5. View logs. Logs contain the following information:
    • Date/Time unauthorized access was detected

    • Endpoint where external device is connected or where network resource is mapped

    • Endpoint domain where external device is connected or where network resource is mapped

    • Device type or network resource accessed

    • Target, which is the item on the device or network resource that was accessed

    • Accessed by, which specifies where access was initiated

    • Permissions set for the target

  6. To save logs to a comma-separated value (CSV) file, click Export to CSV. Open the file or save it to a specific location.