  1. On the Apex One server computer, go to <Server installation folder>\PCCSRV\Admin\Utility\SvrTune.
  2. Double-click SvrTune.exe to start Server Tuner.

    The Server Tuner console opens.

  3. Under Download, modify the following settings:
    • Timeout for client: Type the number of minutes for the Apex One server to wait to receive an update response from Security Agents. If the agent does not respond within this time, the Apex One server does not consider the Security Agent to have current components. When a notified Security Agent times out, a slot for another agent awaiting notification becomes available.

    • Timeout for update agent: Type the number of minutes for the Apex One server to wait to receive an update response from an Update Agent. When a notified Security Agent times out, a slot for another agent awaiting notification becomes available.

    • Retry count: Type the maximum number of times the Apex One server tries to notify the Security Agent to perform an update or to apply new configuration settings.

    • Retry interval: Type the number of minutes the Apex One server waits between notification attempts.

  4. Under Network Traffic, modify the following settings:
    • Normal hours: Click the radio buttons that represent the hours of the day you consider network traffic to be normal.

    • Off-peak hours: Click the radio buttons that represent the hours of the day you consider network traffic to be at its lowest.

    • Peak hours: Click the radio buttons that represent the hours of the day you consider network traffic to be at its peak.

    • Maximum client connections: Type the maximum number of clients that can simultaneously update components from both "other update source" and from the Apex One server. Type a maximum number of clients for each of the time periods. When the maximum number of connections is reached, Security Agents can update components only after a current Security Agent connection closes (due to either the completion of the update or the agent response reaching the timeout value you specified in the Timeout for client or Timeout for Update Agent field).

  5. Click OK. A prompt appears asking you to restart the Apex One Master Service.

    Only the service restarts, not the computer.

  6. Select from the following restart options:
    • Click Yes to save the Server Tuner settings and restart the service. The settings take effect immediately after restart.

    • Click No to save the Server Tuner settings but not restart the service. Restart the Apex One Master Service or restart the Apex One server computer for settings to take effect.