Table 1. Criteria Options for Customized Expressions






All - Names from US Census Bureau

  • Expression: [^\w]([A-Z][a-z]{1,12}(\s?,\s?|[\s]|\s([A-Z])\.\s)[A-Z][a-z]{1,12})[^\w]

Specific characters

An expression must include the characters you have specified.

In addition, the number of characters in the expression must be within the minimum and maximum limits.

US - ABA Routing Number

  • Expression: [^\d]([0123678]\d{8})[^\d]

  • Characters: 0123456789

  • Minimum characters: 9

  • Maximum characters: 9


Suffix refers to the last segment of an expression. A suffix must include the characters you have specified and contain a certain number of characters.

In addition, the number of characters in the expression must be within the minimum and maximum limits.

All - Home Address

  • Expression: \D(\d+\s[a-z.]+\s([a-z]+\s){0,2} (lane|ln|street|st|avenue|ave| road|rd|place|pl|drive|dr|circle| cr|court|ct|boulevard|blvd)\.? [0-9a-z,#\s\.]{0,30}[\s|,][a-z]{2}\ s\d{5}(-\d{4})?)[^\d-]

  • Suffix characters: 0123456789-

  • Number of characters: 5

  • Minimum characters in the expression: 25

  • Maximum characters in the expression: 80

Single- character separator

An expression must have two segments separated by a character. The character must be 1 byte in length.

In addition, the number of characters left of the separator must be within the minimum and maximum limits. The number of characters right of the separator must not exceed the maximum limit.

All - Email Address

  • Expression: [^\w.]([\w\.]{1,20}@[a-z0-9]{2,20}[\.][a-z]{2,5}[a-z\.]{0,10})[^\w.]

  • Separator: @

  • Minimum characters to the left: 3

  • Maximum characters to the left: 15

  • Maximum characters to the right: 30