
Configure how often (daily, weekly, or monthly) and what time Scheduled Scan will run.

For monthly Scheduled Scans, you can choose either a particular day of a month or a day of a week and the order of its occurrence.

  • A particular day of a month: Select between the 1st and 31st day. If you selected the 29th, 30th, or 31st day and a month does not have this day, Apex One runs Scheduled Scan on the last day of the month. Therefore:

    • If you selected 29, Scheduled Scan runs on February 28 (except on a leap year) and on the 29th day of all the other months.

    • If you selected 30, Scheduled Scan runs on February 28 or 29, and on the 30th day of all the other months.

    • If you selected 31, Scheduled Scan runs on February 28 or 29, April 30, June 30, September 30, November 30, and on the 31st day of all the other months.

  • A day of a week and the order of its occurrence: A day of a week occurs four or five times a month. For example, there are typically four Mondays in a month. Specify a day of a week and the order in which it occurs during a month. For example, choose to run Scheduled Scan on the second Monday of each month. If you choose the fifth occurrence of a day and it does not exist during a particular month, the scan runs on the fourth occurrence.