
Device Control can only limit access to CD/DVD recording devices that use the Live File System format. Some third-party applications that use Master Format can still perform read/write operations even with Device Control enabled. Use Data Loss Prevention to limit access to CD/DVD recording devices that use any format type.

  1. Go to Agents > Agent Management.
  2. In the agent tree, click the root domain icon () to include all agents or select specific domains or agents.
  3. Click Settings > DLP Settings.
  4. Click the External Agents tab to configure a policy for external agents or the Internal Agents tab to configure a policy for internal agents.

    Configure agent location settings if you have not done so. Agents use these location settings to determine the correct Data Loss Prevention policy to apply. For details, see Endpoint Location.

  5. Choose one of the following:
    • If you are on the External Agents tab, you can apply all Data Loss Prevention settings to internal agents by selecting Apply all settings to internal agents.

    • If you are on the Internal Agents tab, you can apply all Data Loss Prevention settings to external agents by selecting Apply all settings to external agents.

  6. On the Rules tab, click Add.
  7. Select Enable this rule.
  8. Specify a name for the rule.
  9. Click the Template tab.
  10. Select the All File Extension template from the list and click Add.
  11. Click the Channel tab.
  12. In the System and Applications Channels section, select Data recorders (CD/DVD).
  13. Click the Action tab.
  14. Select the Block action.
  15. Click Save.
  16. If you selected domain(s) or agent(s) in the agent tree, click Save. If you clicked the root domain icon, choose from the following options:
    • Apply to All Agents: Applies settings to all existing agents and to any new agent added to an existing/future domain. Future domains are domains not yet created at the time you configured the settings.

    • Apply to Future Domains Only: Applies settings only to agents added to future domains. This option will not apply settings to new agents added to an existing domain.