1. On the Apex One server computer, open <Server installation folder>\PCCSRV\Admin\Utility\SPNSXfr and copy the files SPNSXfr.exe and SPNSX.ini to <Server installation folder>\PCCSRV\Admin.
  2. Double-click SPNSXfr.exe to open the tool.

    The Server Protect Normal Server Migration Tool console opens.

  3. Select the Apex One server. The path of the Apex One server appears under Apex One server path. If it is incorrect, click Browse and select the PCCSRV folder in the directory where you installed Apex One. To enable the tool to automatically find the Apex One server again the next time you open the tool, select the Auto Find Server Path check box (selected by default).
  4. Select the computers running ServerProtect Normal Server on which to perform the migration by clicking one of the following under Target endpoint:
    • Windows Network tree: Displays a tree of domains on the network. To select computers using this method, click the domains on which to search for agent computers.

    • Information Server name: Search by Information Server name. To select computers by this method, type the name of an Information Server on the network in the text box. To search for multiple Information Servers, insert a semicolon ";" between server names.

    • Certain Normal Server name: Search by Normal Server name. To select computers by this method, type the name of a Normal Server on the network in the text box. To search for multiple Normal Servers, enter a semicolon ";" between server names.

    • IP range search: Search by a range of IP addresses. To select computers by this method, type a range of class B IP addresses under IP range.


    If a DNS server on the network does not respond when searching for agents, the search stops responding. Wait for the search to time out.

  5. Select Restart after installation to automatically restart the target computers after migration.

    A restart is required for the migration to complete successfully. If you do not select this option, manually restart the computers after migration.

  6. Click Search.

    The search results appear under ServerProtect Normal Servers.

  7. Click the computers on which to perform the migration.
    1. To select all computers, click Select All.
    2. To clear all computers, click Unselect All.
    3. To export the list to a comma-separated value (CSV) file, click Export to CSV.
  8. If logging on to the target computers requires a user name and password, do the following:
    1. Select the Use group account/password check box.
    2. Click Set Logon Account.

      The Enter Administration Information window appears.

    3. Type the user name and password.

      Use the local/domain administrator account to log on to the target endpoint. If you log on with insufficient privileges, such as "Guest" or "Normal user", you will not be able to perform installation.

    4. Click OK.
    5. Click Ask again if logon is unsuccessful to be able to type the user name and password again during the migration process if you are unable to log on.
  9. Click Migrate.
  10. If you did not select the Restart after installation option, restart the target computers to complete the migration.