  1. Create the package.

    For details, see Installing with Agent Packager.

  2. Open a command prompt.
  3. Map the location of the Security Agent package by typing the following command:

    net use <mapped drive letter> \\<Location of the agent package>

    For example:

    net use P: \\\Package

    A message appears, informing you if the location of the Security Agent package was mapped successfully.

  4. Change to the location of the Security Agent package by typing the mapped drive letter and a colon. For example:


  5. Copy the Security Agent package to a local directory on the Server Core endpoint by typing the following command:

    copy <package file name> <directory on the Server Core endpoint where you want to copy the package>

    For example:

    copy securityagent.msi C:\Agent Package

    A message appears, informing you if the Security Agent package was copied successfully.

  6. Change to the local directory. For example:


    cd C:\Agent Package

  7. Type the package file name to launch the installation. For example:


    The following shows the commands and results on the command prompt from the example.

    C:\WINDOWS>net use P: \\\Package
    P:\>copy securityagent.msi C:\Agent Package
            1 file(s) copied.
    C:\WINDOWS>cd C:\Agent Package
    C:\Agent Package>securityagent.msi