
When using SQL Server, use the SQL Server Management Studio to back up the Apex Central database.


Trend Micro recommends regular backups of the Apex Central database. Always back up when you are about to modify the Apex Central database (for example, adding or installing a managed product).

  1. From the Apex Central server, click Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server <version> > SQL Server Management Studio. <version> is the version of SQL Server Management Studio.
  2. On the menu bar, click View > Object Explorer. In the Object Explorer panel, double-click <Host\Instance Name>, then double-click Databases. <Host\Instance Name> is the SQL server host name and the SQL instance name.
  3. Right-click db_ApexCentral and then click Tasks > Back up.
  4. Under Backup set, provide the name and description.
  5. Under Source > Backup Type, select Full.
  6. Under Destination, click Add to specify the backup file destination.
  7. Click OK when the message "The backup operation has been completed successfully." appears.