
Use the Server Registration screen to register managed servers to the Apex Central server.

  • If the Add button is disabled, then the product registers to Apex Central using the managed product management console.

    For more information, see Connected Threat Defense Product Integration.

  • Before performing policy management on a newly added managed server, click Directory Management and move the managed product from the New Entity folder to another location.

    For more information, see Managing the Product Directory.

  1. Go to Administration > Managed Servers > Server Registration.

    The Server Registration screen appears.

  2. Select a product from the Server Type drop-down list.

    A list of registered managed servers appears.

  3. Click the Add button or the Add a product link in the table.

    The Add Server screen appears.

  4. Specify the following server information:
    • Server: Type the <managed product> server name, FQDN, or IPv4/IPv6 address and port number (if any).


      The server address should start with either HTTP or HTTPS.

    • Display name: Specify the name of the <managed product> server that displays in Apex Central.

  5. If logging on to the managed server requires authentication, specify the following credentials:
    • User name: Provide the name of a <managed product> account with administrator privileges.

    • Password: Type the password for the provided account.


    Apex Central requires an account with administrator privileges to deploy policy settings.

  6. (Optional) To use a proxy server, select the Use a proxy server for the connection check box.

    For more information, see Configuring Proxy Settings for Managed Products.

  7. To enable sample submission, select the Virtual Analyzer product/service from the Virtual Analyzer drop-down list.
    • For Deep Security and Trend Micro Endpoint Sensor, you must add the managed server first and then edit the server to select the Virtual Analyzer.

    • For all other managed products, you can select the Virtual Analyzer when you add the managed server for the first time.

    • For more information, see Connected Threat Defense Product Integration.

  8. Click Save.

    The newly added server appears in the list of registered managed servers.