This widget displays information about the Deep Discovery Inspector detections found on affected hosts.
The default view displays only the top 10 high severity hosts by Detection count.
To change whether the widget displays hosts by detection count or by detection time, click the settings icon (
) and select one of the following:-
Detection count: Select the number of hosts (Top 10, Top 25, Top 50) from the drop-down.
Detection time: Select the number of hosts (Latest 10, Latest 25, Latest 50, Latest 100) from the drop-down.
Use the Range drop-down to select the time period for the data that displays.
If you display hosts by Detection count, you can view data for Today, 1 Week, 2 Weeks, or 1 Month.
If you display hosts by Detection time, you can only view data for Today or 1 Week.
You can also use the Severity drop-down to specify the severity level when displaying hosts by Detection time.
Column |
Description |
IP Address |
Displays the IP address of the affected host |
Host Name |
Displays the name of the affected host. |
Network Group |
Displays the name of the group of monitored networks that allow Deep Discovery Inspector to determine whether attacks originate from within or outside the network |
Detections |
Displays the number of events found on affected hosts
Latest Detection |
Displays the time and date that Deep Discovery Inspector last detected a potential/known risk. |