
Displays detailed information about components managed products use. Examples: pattern file/rule name, pattern file/rule version number, and scan engine deployment status

Table 1. Product Component Deployment Data View



Product Entity

Displays the entity display name for a managed product. Apex Central identifies managed products using the managed product's entity display name.


Displays the name of the managed product. Example: Apex One, ScanMail for Microsoft Exchange

Product Version

Displays the managed product's version number. Example: Apex One 2019, Apex Central 2019

Connection Status

Displays the connection status between the managed product and Apex Central server or managed products and their endpoints.

Pattern/Rule Status

Displays the pattern file/rule currency status. Example: up-to-date, out-of-date

Pattern/Rule Deployment Status

Displays the deployment status for the latest pattern file/rule update. Example: successful, unsuccessful, in progress

Pattern/Rule Deployment

Displays the time of the latest pattern file/rule deployment to managed products or endpoints.

Engine Status

Displays the scan engine currency status. Example: up-to-date, out-of-date

Engine Deployment Status

Displays the deployment status for the latest scan update. Example: successful, unsuccessful, in progress

Engine Deployment

Displays the time of the latest scan engine deployment to managed products or endpoints.