
Provides a summary of web violations of specific policies. Example: name of the policy in violation, the type of filter/blocking to stop access to the URL, the total number of web violations on the network

Table 1. Overall Web Violation Summary Data View




Displays the name of the policy the URL violates.

Filter/Blocking Type

Displays the type of filter/blocking preventing access to the URL in violation.

Example: URL blocking, URL filtering, web blocking

Unique Endpoints

Displays the number of unique endpoints in violation of the specified policy.

Example: A managed product detects 10 violation instances of the same URL on 4 computers.

Unique Endpoints = 4

Unique URLs

Displays the number of unique URLs in violation of the specified policy.

Example: A managed product detects 10 violation instances of the same URL on one computer.

Unique URLs = 1


Displays the total number of web violations managed products detect.

Example: A managed product detects 10 violation instances of the same URL on 1 computer.

Detections = 10