
Provides specific information about suspicious threats on your network. Example: the policy/rule in violation, summary information about the source and destination, the total number of suspicious threats on the network

Table 1. Overall Suspicious Threat Summary Data View




Displays the name of the policy/rule in violation.


Displays the protocol over which the violation takes place.

Example: HTTP, FTP, SMTP

Unique Endpoints

Displays the number of unique computers affected by the suspicious threat.

Example: A managed product detects 10 suspicious threat instances of the same type on 2 computers.

Unique Endpoints = 2

Unique Sources

Displays the number of unique sources where suspicious threats originate.

Example: A managed product detects 10 suspicious threat instances of the same type originating from 3 computers.

Unique Sources = 3

Unique Recipients

Displays the number of unique email message recipients receiving content that violates managed product suspicious threat policies.

Example: A managed product detects 10 suspicious threat violation instances of the same policy on 2 computers.

Unique Recipients = 2

Unique Senders

Displays the number of unique email message senders sending content that violates managed product suspicious threat policies.

Example: A managed product detects 10 suspicious threat violation instances of the same policy coming from 3 computers.

Unique Senders = 3


Displays the total number of policy/rule violations managed products detect.

Example: A managed product detects 10 violation instances of the same type on one computer.

Detections equals 10.


Displays the number of endpoints Network VirusWall Enforcer devices or Trend Micro™ Threat Mitigator™ take action against.

Cleaned Endpoints

Displays the total number of endpoints Trend Micro Threat Mitigator cleans.

Clean Endpoint Rate (%)

Displays the percentage of endpoints Trend Micro Threat Mitigator cleans compared to the total Detections.