
The Security Agent Download screen allows you to create Security Agent installation packages for Apex One or Apex One (Mac) from the Apex Central console. You can use this screen to download and install the Security Agent packages locally or to display a URL that you can send to users to install the Security Agent directly on a target endpoint.

Table 1. Pre-installation Configuration

Security Agent


Apex One

Before installing Apex One Security Agents:

  • Change the default Apex One Security Agent unloading and uninstallation passwords

  • Ensure that endpoints can communicate through ports 80 and 443

  • Ensure that endpoints can access *

  • If required, configure Apex One Security Agent proxy server settings

Apex One (Mac)

Before installing Apex One (Mac) Security Agents:

  • Ensure that endpoints can communicate through port 61617 or 8443 (SaaS)

  • Ensure that endpoints can access *

  • If required, configure Apex One Security Agent proxy server settings

For more information about system requirements for installing Security Agents on endpoints, see the following topics:

  1. Go to Administration > Security Agent Download.
  2. Select the operating system.
    • Windows 64-bit: Select to create a 64-bit MSI installation package for Apex One Security Agents

    • Windows 32-bit: Select to create a 32-bit MSI installation package for Apex One Security Agents

    • Mac OS: Select to create a ZIP installation package for Apex One (Mac) Security Agents

  3. For Apex One Security Agents, select the Installation mode:
    • Full feature set: Installs the standard Apex One Security Agent with full feature capabilities

    • Coexist: The coexist mode Apex One Security Agent provides a limited subset of Apex One capabilities but is compatible with any supported Windows endpoint, running any endpoint security software.


      Select Coexist mode to allow target endpoints to use third-party security software.

  4. If you have more than one corresponding managed product server for the type of installation package selected, use the Server drop-down to select the server to which the Security Agent reports.

    If you only have one managed product server, only the managed product server name displays.

  5. Click one of the following deployment options:
    • Download Agent: Downloads a copy of the Security Agent installation package from the managing product server that you can install locally or later deploy to target endpoints

    • Get Download Link: Displays a URL that you can send to users to install the Security Agent directly on a target endpoint


    For Apex One servers, the Apex One Security Agent package applies the settings generated the last time the Security Agent Packaging Tool ran.

    For more information, see the Apex One Administrator's Guide