  • Any Apex Central user account that has permission to create or modify custom tags, filters, or important labels in the User/Endpoint Directory can view or modify custom tags, filters, or important labels created by all other user accounts.

  • Editing a tag, filter, or importance label on the User/Endpoint Directory screen also modifies the corresponding tag, filter, or importance label used by log queries and reports. For example, if the an endpoint is removed from a custom filter on the User/Endpoint Directory screen, then log queries and generated reports that use the filter will exclude data from the removed endpoint.

  1. Go to Directories > Users/Endpoints.
  2. Select the Users or Endpoints to view, or search for specific users/endpoints.
  3. To associate a custom tag with a user/endpoint:
    • Click the user/endpoint row and click Tasks > Assign/Remove Custom Tags.

    • Right-click the user/endpoint row and click Assign/Remove Custom Tags.

  4. In the Assign/Remove Custom Tags dialog, select or clear the necessary tag(s) from the list, and click Save.

    You can verify the proper association of tags with the selected users or endpoints by selecting a tag from the Customs Tags list, and checking that the selected user or endpoint displays properly.