
Last Updated: 7/4/2021 12:14:51 PM

You can use GET /SMPI/service/rmx/api/siem/syslog/soc_events to retrieve the SOC events of all your customers in syslog format.

method = "GET"
request_uri = "/SMPI/service/rmx/api/siem/syslog/soc_events?start_time=%d&end_time=%d" % (1611289300, 1611290000)

res_status, res_data = send_request(method, request_uri)

print "Response status: %s",  res_status
print "Response data: \n%s", res_data

res_data = json.loads(res_data)
print "SOC Events: %s", res_data

If successful, the response data will show as:

Response status: 200
Response data:
{  "paging": {    "total": 1,    "page": 1,    "limit": 100  },  "details": [    {      "vendor": "Trend Micro",      "product": "WFBS-SVC-AC",      "event_id": "45D0F5FD-8F3A-489E-B415-B977B6E430E1_27085",      "timestamp": 1611289498,      "rule": "Test_Email",      "device_name": "john_172_16_0_1",      "device_id": "d4b4e57c96dfe844a3a1812f1451fc8d",      "host": "-",      "company_name": "yune_CO_EDR_Endpoint_Email",      "event_link": "",      "signature_id": 10000,      "object_count": 3    }  ]}