Last Updated: 1/22/2020 12:10:58 AM
Retrieve global settings with given customers.
HTTP Request
GET /SMPI/{version}/service/wfbss/api/global_settings
Name |
Type |
Description |
Validation |
Required Parameters |
cids |
string |
A list of customer IDs separated by comma. |
At least one customer ID must be specified, and no more than 10. |
Optional Parameters |
fields |
string |
A list of settings separated by comma. If set, only the specified settings will be returned. Otherwise, all settings will be returned. |
Valid values: general_scan, virus_scan, spyware_grayware, behavior_monitoring, outbreak_defense, approved_url, blocked_url, alert, watchdog, agent_uninstall, agent_unload, user_centric, magic_link_expire, auto_cleanup,agent_customized_setting,help_desk |
HTTP Request Example
Retrieve all settings for specific customers: GET /SMPI/{version}/service/wfbss/api/global_settings?cids=640FE47F-5118-4D79-8221-A35D0DE2EE2C,549390C2-61B3-417E-B1F0-8955A63C08F3 Retrieve some of settings for specific customers: GET /SMPI/{version}/service/wfbss/api/global_settings?cids=640FE47F-5118-4D79-8221-A35D0DE2EE2C,549390C2-61B3-417E-B1F0-8955A63C08F3&fields=approved_url,blocked_url
Request Body
Do not supply a request body with this method.
If successful, this method returns an HTTP 200 OK status code and a response body with the following structure:
{ "customers":[ { "global_setting":{ "blocked_url":{ "blocked_url_times":[ 1421378968 ], "blocked_urls":[ "*" ] }, "agent_uninstall":{ "password_required":0, "password":"" }, "agent_customized_setting":{ "show_ts_toolbar_setting":1, "enable_all_ones_broadcast":0, "start_up_auth_rand_delay_range":0, "enable_power_aa_mode":0, "num_of_serving_threads":10, "show_tmase_toolbar_setting":1, "enable_http_keep_alive":1 }, "help_desk":{ "info":"", "mail":"", "enabled":0, "label":"" }, "approved_url":{ "url_times":[ 1421378954, 1421378954, 1421378954, 1421378954, 1421378954, 1421378954, 1421378954, 1421378954, 1421378954, 1421378954, 1421378954, 1421378954, 1421378954, 1421378954, 1421378954, 0, 0 ], "urls":[ "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*/downloads/*", "*", "*", "*", "http://**", "https://**" ], "agent_usage_logs":1 }, "spyware_grayware":{ "log_spyware_cookie_detection":1, "scan_cookies":0 }, "agent_unload":{ "password_required":0, "password":"" }, "user_centric":{ "enabled":0, "label":"First Name" }, "behavior_monitoring":{ "enable_warning_low_risk":0, "prompt_before_execute_downloaded_file":0 }, "alert":{ "pattern_outdated_days":7, "show_alert_icon":1 }, "auto_cleanup":{ "threshold":30, "enabled":0 }, "virus_scan":{ "scan_large_compressed":1, "clean_compressed":1, "max_ole_layers_to_scan":3, "max_size_compressed":2, "enable_max_ole_layers":1, "shortcut_for_manual_scan":0, "scan_first_n_files":100 }, "general_scan":{ "schedule_scan_resume":0, "exclude_exchange_server":1, "exclude_shadow_copy":1, "exclude_domain_controller":1, "deferred_scan_on_file_operation":0 }, "outbreak_defense":{ "red_alert":{ "enable":1 }, "yellow_alert":{ "enable":0 } }, "watchdog":{ "agent_watchdog_service":1, "check_interval":1, "retry_to_start":5 }, "magic_link_expire":{ "threshold":14, "enabled":0 } }, "id":"640FE47F-5118-4D79-8221-A35D0DE2EE2C", "eid":"6FA6C13D-04B9-4FBC-B181-9B8AF75AD801" } ] }
Name |
Type |
Description |
Length |
customers[].eid |
string |
For internal use only |
customers[].global_setting.agent_customized_setting.enable_all_ones_broadcast |
integer |
For internal use only |
customers[].global_setting.agent_customized_setting.enable_http_keep_alive |
integer |
For internal use only |
customers[].global_setting.agent_customized_setting.enable_power_aa_mode |
integer |
For internal use only |
customers[].global_setting.agent_customized_setting.num_of_serving_threads |
integer |
For internal use only |
customers[].global_setting.agent_customized_setting.show_tmase_toolbar_setting |
integer |
For internal use only |
customers[].global_setting.agent_customized_setting.show_ts_toolbar_setting |
integer |
For internal use only |
customers[].global_setting.agent_customized_setting.start_up_auth_rand_delay_range |
integer |
For internal use only |
customers[].global_setting.agent_uninstall.password |
string |
Specify the password which the client user will be required to enter to exit the Security Agent. |
customers[].global_setting.agent_uninstall.password_required |
integer |
Indicates whether allow the client user to exit the Security Agent without a password. |
1 = true; 0 = false |
customers[].global_setting.agent_unload.password |
string |
Specify the password which the client user will be required to enter a password to uninstall the Security Agent. |
customers[].global_setting.agent_unload.password_required |
integer |
Indicates whether allow the client user to uninstall the Security Agent without a password. |
1 = true; 0 = false |
customers[].global_setting.alert.pattern_outdated_days |
integer |
If the virus pattern file is not updated after the number of days specified, the alert icon on the Windows taskbar should be shown. |
customers[].global_setting.alert.show_alert_icon |
integer |
Show the alert icon on the Windows taskbar if the virus pattern file is not updated after a certain number of days. |
1 = true; 0 = false |
customers[].global_setting.approved_url.agent_usage_logs |
integer |
Send the Agent Web Reputation and URL Filtering log to the server. |
1 = true; 0 = false |
customers[].global_setting.approved_url.url_times[] |
integer |
URL approved time |
Unix timestamp (seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC) e.g., 1421378954 |
customers[].global_setting.approved_url.urls[] |
string |
Approved URL for Web Reputation and URL Filtering |
e.g.,* |
customers[].global_setting.auto_cleanup.enabled |
integer |
Enable automatic agent removal. |
1 = true; 0 = false |
customers[].global_setting.auto_cleanup.threshold |
integer |
After the maximum disconnection period (in days) specified, the device will be automatically removed. |
customers[].global_setting.behavior_monitoring.enable_warning_low_risk |
integer |
Enable warning messages for low-risk changes or other monitored actions. |
1 = true; 0 = false |
customers[].global_setting.behavior_monitoring.prompt_before_execute_downloaded_file |
integer |
Prompt users before executing newly encountered programs downloaded through HTTP or email applications (Server platforms excluded) |
1 = true; 0 = false |
customers[].global_setting.blocked_url.blocked_url_times[] |
integer |
URL blocked time |
Unix timestamp (seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC) e.g., 1421378968 |
customers[].global_setting.blocked_url.blocked_urls[] |
string |
Blocked URL for URL Filtering |
e.g.,* |
customers[].global_setting.general_scan.deferred_scan_on_file_operation |
integer |
Enable deferred scanning on file operations |
1 = true; 0 = false |
customers[].global_setting.general_scan.exclude_domain_controller |
integer |
Exclude Microsoft Domain Controller folders. |
1 = true; 0 = false |
customers[].global_setting.general_scan.exclude_exchange_server |
integer |
Exclude the Microsoft Exchange server 2003 folders |
1 = true; 0 = false |
customers[].global_setting.general_scan.exclude_shadow_copy |
integer |
Exclude Shadow Copy sections. |
1 = true; 0 = false |
customers[].global_setting.general_scan.schedule_scan_resume |
integer |
Resume a missed scheduled scan at the same time next day. |
1 = true; 0 = false |
customers[].global_setting.help_desk.enabled |
integer |
Display Help Desk information on the agent. |
1 = true; 0 = false |
customers[] |
string |
Hover-over text |
customers[].global_setting.help_desk.label |
string |
Help Desk label |
customers[].global_setting.help_desk.mail |
string |
Help Desk email address |
customers[].global_setting.magic_link_expire.enabled |
integer |
Enable Agent Installation Link expiry. |
1 = true; 0 = false |
customers[].global_setting.magic_link_expire.threshold |
integer |
Specify the duration (in days) of Agent Installation Link expiry. |
customers[].global_setting.outbreak_defense.red_alert.enable |
integer |
Enable Red Alerts issued by Trend Micro. |
1 = true; 0 = false |
customers[].global_setting.outbreak_defense.yellow_alert.enable |
integer |
Enable Yellow Alerts issued by Trend Micro. |
1 = true; 0 = false |
customers[].global_setting.spyware_grayware.log_spyware_cookie_detection |
integer |
Add cookie detections to the Spyware log. |
1 = true; 0 = false |
customers[].global_setting.spyware_grayware.scan_cookies |
integer |
Scan for cookies. |
1 = true; 0 = false |
customers[].global_setting.user_centric.enabled |
integer |
Enable device labeling, |
1 = true; 0 = false |
customers[].global_setting.user_centric.label |
string |
Provide the owner label format. |
customers[].global_setting.virus_scan.clean_compressed |
integer |
Clean compressed files. |
1 = true; 0 = false |
customers[].global_setting.virus_scan.enable_max_ole_layers |
integer |
Scan the OLE layers of compressed files. |
1 = true; 0 = false |
customers[].global_setting.virus_scan.max_ole_layers_to_scan |
integer |
The max number of theOLE layers that Agent will scan. |
customers[].global_setting.virus_scan.max_size_compressed |
integer |
The maximum size (in megabyte) of the extracted file in the compressed file that Agent should scan. |
customers[].global_setting.virus_scan.scan_first_n_files |
integer |
The number of files in the compressed file that Agent should scan. |
customers[].global_setting.virus_scan.scan_large_compressed |
integer |
Configure Scan Settings for large compressed files |
1 = true; 0 = false |
customers[].global_setting.virus_scan.shortcut_for_manual_scan |
integer |
Add Manual Scan to the Windows shortcut menu on clients |
1 = true; 0 = false |
customers[].global_setting.watchdog.agent_watchdog_service |
integer |
Set wether to enable the Client/Server Security Agent Watchdog service. |
1 = true; 0 = false |
customers[].global_setting.watchdog.check_interval |
integer |
Determines how often (in minutes) to check Agent status. |
customers[].global_setting.watchdog.retry_to_start |
integer |
Determines the number of retry times, if Agent cannot be started. |
customers[].id |
string |
Customer company ID |