Trend Micro recommends that you select ActiveAction if you are not familiar with virus actions or if you are unsure of which scan action is the most suitable for a certain virus.
Viruses vary significantly from one another; this requires appropriate virus actions for each virus type. Customizing scan actions for file viruses requires knowledge of viruses and can be a tedious task. For this reason, Trend Micro recommends the use of ActiveAction.
Some advantages of using ActiveAction versus customized scan actions are:
  • Time saving: You spend no time customizing virus actions.
  • Worry-free maintenance: ActiveAction uses Trend Micro recommended scan actions so you can concentrate on other tasks and not worry about making mistakes.
  • Updateable scan actions: Trend Micro includes new ActiveAction scan actions with every new pattern. Viruses constantly change how they attack, thus scan actions should be frequently modified to prevent possible infection.
For ActiveAction configuration information, see Defining Actions Against Viruses.
When using ActiveAction, the action for spyware virus is bypass/bypass.