The ServerProtect Management Console has an intuitive user interface that provides easy access to all the functions you need to configure and manage ServerProtect.
Management Console Elements
The Management Console has the following components:
  • The Main Menu is below the program’s title bar. It has six submenus, each provides a number of menu items for users to choose.
  • The Side Bar is on the left most side of the application window, below the Main Menu. The pane contains seven items, each presenting to the user a group of options to use.
  • The Domain Browser Tree is on the left of the Side Bar and below the Main Menu. The tree view presents the way all those ServerProtect are organized, including the Information Server and the Domain elements created, together with all Normal Servers each domain hosts.
  • The Configuration Area is the pane with light gray background color on the right most side of the main Window. It is used to present data information and the control UI elements for configuration of the virus scan and log report systems.