The side bar is on the left side of the ServerProtect screen and includes seven groups of items. It provides shortcuts to
different functional areas of the program.
Task Group
New Task: To create a new task
Existing Task List: To view, run, modify, or delete an existing task
Scan Group
Scan Now: To configure a manual virus scan
Scan Result Group
Real-time Scan: To view the result of a real-time scan
Scan Now: To view the result of a manual scan
Task Scan: To view the scanning result performed by a task
Update Group
Update: To download and deploy updates to the Normal Servers located on the network
Rollback: To roll back to a previous deployment action performed on your network
View Log Group
View Log: To view historical information about antivirus events that have occurred on the network
Set Scan Option Group
Real-time Scan: To configure a real-time virus scan on the network
Exclusion List: To define files, directories, or viruses to be ignored by the ServerProtect virus scanning engine
Deny Write List: To prevent certain files or directories from modification
Notification Group
Standard Notification: To configure a standard alert when the default condition is detected on the server
Outbreak Notification: To configure an outbreak alert when many virus events occur over a relatively short period of time
CM Agent Settings: To register, unregister and configure Trend Micro Control Manager settings