To allow ServerProtect to store debug log information on SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop/Server 11, you need to configure settings for syslog-ng (next generation).


  1. Open the syslog-ng.conf file located in /etc/syslog-ng/ and add the following lines into the file.
    # this is for splx debug log
    filter f_splx { facility(local3); };
    # logs for splx debug
    destination splx_debug_log { file("/var/log/splx.debug"); };
    log {source(src); filter(f_splx);
    destination(splx_debug_log); };
  2. Restart the syslog daemon by typing /etc/init.d/syslog restart in the terminal.
  3. Set the debug key (UserDebugLevel) in the tmsplx.xml file to 5.
  4. Restart ServerProtect by typing service splx restart.
    After you have configured the settings, ServerProtect stores debug information to the splx.debug file in /var/log/. You can open this file to see the debug logs.