Although Trend Micro recommends that you schedule ScanMail to perform automatic updates of the scan engine, you can do it manually, as shown below.


  1. Download the latest scan engine from the Trend Micro website.
  2. Extract the contents of the file to a temporary directory.
  3. Stop the following ScanMail services by clicking the Windows Start button and navigating to ProgramsAdministrative ToolsServices:
    • ScanMail for Microsoft Exchange Remote Configuration Server (ScanMail_RemoteConfig)
    • ScanMail for Microsoft Exchange Master Service (ScanMail_Master)
  4. Back up the following scan engine file:
    • \Program Files\Trend Micro\Smex\engine\vsapi\latest\vsapi64.dll
  5. Extract the new scan engine files from their temp directory to:
    \Program Files\Trend Micro\Smex\engine\vsapi\latest\
  6. Start the ScanMail services:
    1. Click the Windows Start button, then ProgramsAdministrative ToolsServices.
    2. Right click each of the following ScanMail scan services and select Start in the pop-up menu that appears.
      • ScanMail for Microsoft Exchange Remote Configuration Server (ScanMail_RemoteConfig)
      • ScanMail for Microsoft Exchange Master Service (ScanMail_Master)