To maintain security on your Exchange servers, Trend Micro recommends the following:

Maintaining Security

Scheduled updates
To ensure that ScanMail is always up-to-date, regularly update ScanMail components. To facilitate this, ScanMail allows you to configure scheduled updates. Scheduled updates check the Trend Micro update server according to the schedule you set and automatically download any available components.
Scheduled scans
Viruses/malware and other security threats can attack your Exchange servers from unexpected sources such as local unprotected computers and servers or by bypassing too lenient configurations. Run regular scheduled scans to significantly reduce this risk.
Enable action on mass-mailing behavior
Select Enable action on mass-mailing behavior from the Security Risk Scan Action screen to provide early warning of outbreaks.
Outbreak Alerts
When an attack occurs, it is vital that administrators receive early warning to prevent the attack from spreading. Trend Micro recommends setting ScanMail to send alerts to key network security professionals when outbreak conditions threaten your network. You can use Outbreak Alert to set ScanMail to automatically notify designated individuals.
Consider your overall security
ScanMail for Microsoft Exchange is designed to guard your Exchange mail servers. ScanMail does not provide protection to non-Exchange mail servers, file servers, desktops, or gateway devices. ScanMail protection is enhanced when used together with other Trend Micro products such as Trend Micro Apex One™ to protect your file servers and desktops, and Trend Micro InterScan VirusWall™ or InterScan™ Messaging Security Suite to protect your network perimeter.
Visit the Trend Micro website for a more comprehensive list of solutions for all your network security needs.
Exclude ScanMail folders from scans
File-based antivirus software usually allows you to set up folders to exclude from scanning. Trend Micro recommends setting up the following folders to exclude from scanning when using ScanMail with other antivirus software:
  • SMEX/storage/
  • SMEX/temp
  • SMEX/debug
These folder names are the names that ScanMail uses by default when it installs.