

  1. Log on to the Citrix XenMobile web console, and click ConfigureDevice Policies.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Click App Configuration from the main screen.
  4. Type the Policy Name and Description in the fileds provided, and then click Next.
  5. Select iOS from the left menu, and clear all other platforms.
  6. On the App Configuration Policy screen, select Add new from the Identifier drop-down list.
  7. Type the identifier name and the enrollment key information in the Dictionary content field.
    For the Identifier name and Dictionary content, refer to Mobile Security web consoleAdministrationDeployment SettingsiOS Agent (tab)
  8. Click Check Disctionary to verify dictionary content.
  9. Click Next.
  10. On the App Configuration Policy screen, select the groups you want to assign and modify the settings if required.
  11. Click Save.
  12. Click ConfigureApps.
  13. Click Add, and then click Public App Store.
  14. In the Name field, type ENT Security.
  15. Add the description for Enterprise Mobile Security, and from the Category drop-down list, select the category where you want to place this application, and then click Next.
  16. Select iPhone and/or iPad, under Platform from the left menu, and clear all others.
  17. Type ENT Security in the search filed, and click Search.
  18. Click Enterprise Mobile Security, and modify the app details if required, and then click Next.
  19. On Approvals (optional) screen, modify the settings if required, and then click Next.
  20. On the Delivery Group Assignments (optional) screen, select the groups you want to assign and modify the settings if required.
  21. Click Save.