Before you begin
Before performing this procedure, you must perform all the steps as explained in
Deploying Android Agent Through Mobile Security Server.
- Log on to AirWatch web console, and navigate to .
- Configure Files/Actions from the AirWatch console. Do the
Navigate to.
- Click .
On the General tab, provide the information for the Name and Description fields.
On the Manifest tab, click Add Action, located under the Install Manifest section.
- On the Add Manifest options, configure the
following information, then click Save:
Action(s) to Perform: Run Intent
Command Line and Arguments to run:mode=explicit,broadcast=false,action=android.intent.action.MAIN,package=com.trendmicro.tmmssuite.enterprise,class=com.trendmicro.tmmssuite.enterprise.ui.TmmsEnterpriseSplashScreen
TimeOut: [any duration as per your requirements]
- On the Add Files/Actions screen, click Save.
- Configuring the Product. Do the following:
Navigate to.
- Click .
On the General tab, provide the information for the Name, Description, and Assigned Groups fields.
On the Manifest tab, click Add to add the manifest.
- On the Add Manifest options, configure the
following information, then click Save:
Action(s) to Perform: Install Files/Actions
- On the Add Product screen, click Save.
- Configuring the Application. Perform the following steps:
Assign the TMMS Agent to a smart group.
Set the Push Mode to Auto.