
Before you begin

Before performing this procedure, you must perform all the steps as explained in Deploying Android Agent Through Mobile Security Server.


  1. Log on to AirWatch web console, and navigate to DevicesStaging & ProvisioningComponents Files/Actions.
  2. Configure Files/Actions from the AirWatch console. Do the following:
    1. Navigate to DevicesStaging & ProvisioningComponentsFiles/Actions.
      • Click AddAndroid.
    2. On the General tab, provide the information for the Name and Description fields.
    3. On the Manifest tab, click Add Action, located under the Install Manifest section.
    4. On the Add Manifest options, configure the following information, then click Save:
      • Action(s) to Perform: Run Intent
      • Command Line and Arguments to run:
      • TimeOut: [any duration as per your requirements]
    5. On the Add Files/Actions screen, click Save.
  3. Configuring the Product. Do the following:
    1. Navigate to DevicesStaging & ProvisioningProduct List View.
      • Click Add ProductAndroid.
    2. On the General tab, provide the information for the Name, Description, and Assigned Groups fields.
    3. On the Manifest tab, click Add to add the manifest.
    4. On the Add Manifest options, configure the following information, then click Save:
      • Action(s) to Perform: Install Files/Actions
      • Files/Actions:
    5. On the Add Product screen, click Save.
  4. Configuring the Application. Perform the following steps:
    1. Assign the TMMS Agent to a smart group.
    2. Set the Push Mode to Auto.