The existence of spyware/grayware on your network has the potential to introduce the following:

Types of Risks

Reduced computer performance
To perform their tasks, spyware/grayware applications often require significant CPU and system memory resources.
Increased web browser-related crashes
Certain types of grayware, such as adware, are often designed to create pop-up windows or display information in a browser frame or window. Depending on how the code in these applications interacts with system processes, grayware can sometimes cause browsers to crash or freeze and may even require a system reboot.
Reduced user efficiency
By needing to close frequently occurring pop-up advertisements and deal with the negative effects of joke programs, users can be unnecessarily distracted from their main tasks.
Degradation of network bandwidth
Spyware/grayware applications often regularly transmit the data they collect to other applications running on your network or to locations outside of your network.
Loss of personal and corporate information
Not all data that spyware/grayware applications collect is as innocuous as a list of websites users visit. Spyware/grayware can also collect the user names and passwords users type to access their personal accounts, such as a bank account, and corporate accounts that access resources on your network.
Higher risk of legal liability
If hackers gain access to the computer resources on your network, they may be able to utilize your client computers to launch attacks or install spyware/grayware on computers outside your network. Having your network resources unwillingly participate in these types of activities could leave your organization legally liable to damages incurred by other parties.