
The main purpose of the PolicyServer Change Settings Tool is to allow administrators to change their SQL Server database credentials without requiring the user to reinstall PolicyServer. Additionally, this tool includes several related features, including testing the database connection and changing the PolicyServer Windows Service credentials.

  1. Copy, download, or locate a PolicyServer installation package on the endpoint you have installed PolicyServer on.

    To download the PolicyServer installation package or the Endpoint Encryption Suite, go to the Trend Micro Download Center:

  2. Go to <PolicyServer Directory>\TMEE_PolicyServer\Tools\PolicyServer Change Settings.
  3. Run the file PolicyServerChangeSettings.exe as an administrator.
  4. Accept the End User License Agreement (EULA) to continue.

    The EULA only appears the first time that you run this tool.

  5. Change your settings as necessary using any of the following options:
    Option Description

    Primary Database

    Specify your primary database SQL Server credentials in this section.

    If you only have one database that serves as both your primary database and your log database, select Use Primary Settings for Log Database.

    Log Database

    If your primary database and log database are separate, specify your log dabase SQL Server credentials in this section.

    This section is disabled if Use Primary Settings for Log Database is selected.

    Load From Disk

    Reset the credentials for the Primary Database and Log Database sections with the last saved configuration.

    Test Connection

    Check that PolicyServer can communicate with the databases shown in the Primary Database and Log Database sections.

    Write To Disk

    Overwrite the last saved configuration with the credentials in the Primary Database and Log Database sections.

    Restart PS

    Restart PolicyServer.

    If you changed the credentials and clicked Write To Disk, PolicyServer will attempt to connect using the new SQL Server credentials.

    Change Service Credentials...

    Change the credentials for the PolicyServer Windows Service.

    The Change PS Credentials window appears if you select this option. You may use either the local Windows system account or specify the credentials for a different account.