
The License Renewal Tool allows administrators to update the Endpoint Encryption license in an environment managed entirely by PolicyServer MMC.


If you manage Endpoint Encryption from Control Manager, use the license management options available in Control Manager. For more information, see the Control Manager documentation:

If your Activation Code is for a new license of Endpoint Encryption or a renewal of your license, the endpoint requires a connection to the Endpoint Encryption database, but does not require Internet access. If your Activation Code is for an extension of an existing license, the endpoint requires Internet access.

  1. Obtain your Activation Code from your Trend Micro service representative.

    If you have a Registration Key, go to Customer Licensing Portal to register your product. Trend Micro will email your Activation Code after product registration. Access the Customer Licensing Portal at:

  2. Copy, download, or locate a PolicyServer installation package on the endpoint you have installed PolicyServer on.

    To download the PolicyServer installation package or the Endpoint Encryption Suite, go to the Trend Micro Download Center:

  3. Go to <PolicyServer Directory>\TMEE_PolicyServer\Tools\TMEE_LicenseRenewal.
  4. Run the file TMEE_LicenseRenewal.exe as an administrator.

    The License Renewal Tool screen opens.

  5. Type your Activation Code in the New Activation Code field and click Activate.

    Your license activates and all functions of Endpoint Encryption become available.


    After attempting to extend a license, you may encounter an error stating that your Activation Code has expired. To resolve this issue, see Troubleshooting License Extension.

Troubleshooting License Extension

If you use the License Renewal Tool to extend an existing license, the following error may appear:

This error may occur due to a mismatch of your system registry with a proxy server in your network. Perform the following procedure to validate this potential cause and resolve this issue.

  1. Run Diagnostic Monitor on the same endpoint as the License Renewal Tool.

    For more information regarding the Diagnostic Monitor, see Using the Diagnostics Monitor.

  2. View events near the time that you attempted to run the License Renewal Tool for the following events in the Message column:

    PrLicenlicensese PR_onlineUpdateLicensex64(): ret = E001005A, status = 60010123

    PrLicense [ActivationCodeValidator] onlineUpdatePrLicense Ret = E001005A, onlineUpdateState = 60010123, Status = 0


    If these messages appear, the issue is likely the aforementioned mismatch of your system registry with a proxy server. Continue this procedure to attempt to resolve the issue.

    If these message do not appear, contact Trend Micro Support.

  3. Open Windows Registry Editor.

    To access Registry Editor, type "regedit" into Run or the Windows search box.

  4. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Trend Micro, Inc..
  5. Right-click the folder Trend Micro, Inc. and go to New > Key.
  6. Rename the new key folder NetworkProxy.
  7. In the NetworkProxy folder, add the following values:






    String value

    The domain or IP address of the proxy server

    This value is required.


    DWORD value

    The proxy server port

    If this value does not exist, the default port is "80".


    DWORD value

    Valid values:

    • "0": HTTP proxy

    • "1": SOCKS4 or SOCKS5 proxy

    If this value does not exist, the default value is "0".


    String value

    The account ID for proxy authentication

    This value is only necessary for SOCKS proxies that require authentication.


    String value

    The password for proxy authentication

    This value is only necessary for SOCKS proxies that require authentication.

    This value must be an encrypted value using Command Line Helper. See Using the Command Line Helper.

  8. Attempt to extend your license using the License Renewal Tool again.