
Use the following table to understand which standard reports are available to generate as needed.

Table 1. List of Standard Reports

Report Name


Device Encryption Status

Reports the encryption status for all Endpoint Encryption devices in the Enterprise.

Device Operating System Count

Reports all device operating systems and the count for each.

Device Version Count

Reports all Endpoint Encryption device versions and the count for each.

Devices By Last Sync Date

Reports all Endpoint Encryption devices that synchronized with PolicyServer in the last x amount of days.

Devices Not Communicating

Reports the Endpoint Encryption devices that have not communicated in the last <X> days.

Devices with Last Logged in User

Reports all Endpoint Encryption devices and the last user to have authenticated to it.

Enterprise Available License

Reports the days left in the license, available Endpoint Encryption devices and users, and count of used devices and users.

Enterprise Inactive User

Reports all Endpoint Encryption users who have not logged on to Endpoint Encryption devices for a specified time period.

Enterprise User Activity

Reports total Endpoint Encryption devices, total Endpoint Encryption users, and PolicyServer MMC user count along with Endpoint Encryption device activity.

Full Disk Encryption Device Not 100% Encrypted

Reports all Endpoint Encryption devices in the last <X> days that started encrypting but did not finish.

User Activity By Day

Reports the Endpoint Encryption user activity within <X> amount of days for the given user.

Users Added

Reports all Endpoint Encryption users added within the last <X> days.

Users Never Logged into a Device

Reports all Endpoint Encryption users who have never authenticated to any Endpoint Encryption device.